very nice rotoscoping
very nice rotoscoping
i love this movie
I enjoyed most of this video for the most part, the only thing i didn't like was the dream sequence, but i bet if there wasn't a deadline for this then you would of made it way better.
my favorite part was when p-bot charged his beam cannon. its very nicley animated and the music que was epic. the music was well used and it made me feel for p-bot when he died. i almost cried.
keep up the awsome work, i look foward to your future projects.
that was fun
i frown apon this
i frown apon any "animation" that uses limited animation. anyone can minipulate a puppet.
Anyone can frown.
that was amazazing
way funny, totally true, but i still love that game.
I really hate it...
when im in the lirary and a flash makes me laugh really loud.
this flash has made my day, and its 8:37 in the morning, nothing today will be better than this,
thank you very much. i love you
i didn't hate it
nice voice acting. nice music. bad animating, in my opinion. i just dont like when people animate with dolls. it may save time but the results aren't as good a frame by frame. and the look on alex's face was weird. like she was completly shock to be there. though the reaction is understandable. but when she took action against the alien guys then she should have at least looked angry.
take about five dozen eggs,
start putten em in a bowl, mix the ffffUCK out outa em , and what do ya get?
im in a library right now laughing my ass off and getting wierd looks.
this is a funny cartoon
thank you so much for this
Joined on 4/10/07